I have been a reader of your blog for a while now and truly enjoy the informative articles you have posted.

Scrolling down toward the earlier posts I read that you had offered to assist with identifying items and I wanted to take you up on that if you have the time.

Came across this ceramic piece a few years back and haven't been able to ID the maker/age. I believe it to be some sort of ceramic food mold. It is 10" wide and 3.5" tall. There is a spot where I was able to see the color of the clay underneath the thick, multicolored glaze that appears to be a deep red/burgundy color. The color under it all appears to be white and there are spots of green as well. Haven't seen anything like it in my experience. There are a number of firing marks on the bottom ribs and it is lightly crazed all over the entire surface. Someone suggested it might be Bennington Pottery. After writing I received an e-mail back from one of the curators of the museum, which stated:

"The Rockingham glaze and typical form of your piece make it nearly impossible to attribute to a specific maker or even a specific region. All one can say with any certainty is that it is of American origin and dates c. 1850-1900."

I am getting stumped here and wondered if you could offer some clues or search suggestions?

I believe the curator from Bennington to be correct. The "Redware" Food Mold could have been made by any number of U.S. Potteries and will be difficult, at best, to identify. It seems to be a 19th c. piece without inspection. It may be too old to be in the Morton Pottery Family. I favor Eastern U.S. Potteries, likely from CT, VA, WV, MA, NH, VT. Don't be upset if there is not a precise identification. Major auction houses put wares such as this up all the time with only a general description. (19th c. Redware Food Mold - Rockingham Style Glaze) I will post your pictures and see if we can get a more definitive identification. I would appraise the piece at $75-125.



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