Heinrich Bender Dining Set

I love to read your blog although I am in Canada. I have a dining set and was wondering if you could possibly tell me anything about it. I have been struggling with the internet to find out information. It was made by Heinrich Bender and Sons. From what I can gather in the late 1800's. I have attached some pictures in hopes you may be able to assist me.
Thanks again and continue writing your blog, I love it!

Based on your info and picture, I believe your set was made in the 1950's-1960's by Heinrich Bender Sohne, located in Kelkheim, Hesse, Germany. Kelkheim was known as a furniture town within Germany. The area's furniture hit a peak internationally in the mid 1950's when companies such as Bender was filing out orders for other country's embassies and royalty. This set is done in a more traditional style than the more contemporary style that is popular from the mid-20th century. It is quality furniture, but, not high in demand. I am quite positive that it would have sold in a high end furniture store, if it was not imported directly from Germany. With a lack of comparatives (outside a 3 pc wall unit & chairs that sold for 100eur) it is hard to gauge a value. We have difficulty selling similar style pcs made in the USA for any real money. Side Note: Bender appears to still be in business in some capacity.


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